
Wednesday, November 16, 2011


网帖称全国高校奖学金女多男少无例外:阴盛阳衰 南师大14名学子日前喜获2011年费孝通奖学金,其中女生13人,男生仅1人。男女生如此不成比例,引起众多网友关注。 费孝通奖学金是我国著名社会学家费孝通先生在全国范围内设立的奖学金,旨在鼓励广大学生刻苦学习、奋发 ... 网帖称全国高校奖学金女多男少无例外:阴盛阳衰

孙建冬“骑牛”凯旋 融新融裕系成私募“排雷高手”

孙建冬 10月以来,大盘虽整体反弹不过4.40%,但期间热点快速轮动,振幅接近10%,既能单日上涨3.04%,又能单日下跌2.48%。震荡市中,能抓住转瞬即逝的机会,能躲开股价下跌的股票实属不易,但在阳光私募基金中,孙建冬执掌的鸿道 ... 孙建冬"骑牛"凯旋 融新融裕系成私募"排雷高手"

Federal court issues new political maps for Texas

Federal court issues new political maps for Texas APRIL CASTRO, AP AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A federal court has issued new political maps for the 2012 election in Texas that some say will give Democrats a greater chance of winning seats in Congress and the Legislature. The maps will stay in place until a ... Federal court issues new political maps for Texas

US Stocks sink; Spain becomes latest worry in Europe

US Stocks sink; Spain becomes latest worry in Europe New York: US Stocks closing: A spike in borrowing costs for the Spanish government renewed worries about Europe's debt crisis and pushed US stocks lower for the second day in a row. A stalemate in Congress over cutting the budget deficit also pulled ... US Stocks sink; Spain becomes latest worry in Europe


营业税改征增值税试点方案公布 财政部和国家税务总局近日发布《营业税改征增值税试点方案》及上海试点相关政策规定。两部门明确,从2012年1月1日起,在上海市交通运输业和部分现代服务业开展营业税改征增值税试点。两部门还进一步明确了营业税改征增 ... 营业税改征增值税试点方案公布

Vence el plazo este viernes para que la Junta acredite ante Fomento que ha ...

Vence el plazo este viernes para que la Junta acredite ante Fomento que ha ... Este viernes vence el plazo para que la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla-La Mancha acredite ante la Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea (AESA), dependiente del Ministerio de Fomento, que ha subsanado los problemas financieros de la ... Vence el plazo este viernes para que la Junta acredite ante Fomento que ha ...

Procès Rudolf Elmer: le Tribunal cantonal renvoie la plainte

Procès Rudolf Elmer: le Tribunal cantonal renvoie la plainte Giffle pour le ministère public zurichois: il doit retravailler et compléter l'inculpation de Rudolf Elmer. La Cour suprême du canton de Zurich en a décidé ainsi jeudi, au premier jour du procès en appel de l'ancien cadre de la banque Julius Bär. ... Procès Rudolf Elmer: le Tribunal cantonal renvoie la plainte

PROGNOZA METEO: Cum va fi vremea vineri în ţară şi în Bucureşti

PROGNOZA METEO: Cum va fi vremea vineri în ţară şi în Bucureşti Vremea va fi predominant frumoasă, dar rece pentru această dată, mai ales dimineaţa şi noaptea. Cerul va fi variabil, iar vântul va sufla slab până la moderat. Temperaturile maxime vor fi cuprinse între 3 şi 11 grade, iar cele minime între -8 şi 2 ... PROGNOZA METEO: Cum va fi vremea vineri în ţară şi în Bucureşti

Mahindra-Telephonics plan joint venture for radars, surveillance systems

Mahindra-Telephonics plan joint venture for radars, surveillance systems NEW DELHI: Indian transport vehicles major Mahindra & Mahindra on Thursday announced a joint venture (JV) with US aviation communications equipment major Telephonics Corporation to produce radars, surveillance systems, and communications solutions for ... Mahindra-Telephonics plan joint venture for radars, surveillance systems


流动性拐点构筑股市底部 本周以来大盘有所振荡,周二略上破今年4月以来的下降趋势线,周三出现大跌,说明该压力线仍是中期多空争夺的焦点。同时,由于11月3日放出今年4月下跌以来的巨量,之后缩量整理,巨量所造成的短期压力仍有待消化。短期估 ... 流动性拐点构筑股市底部

股民提前潜伏年报红包公司 52只股具高送转潜力

股民提前潜伏年报红包公司 52只股具高送转潜力 这两天营业部里最热的话题是什么?"送红包"!当拟上市公司们开始齐刷刷承诺要分红之后,投资者们纷纷期待证监会强制分红新政的推进,让市场中跑出更多的"现金奶牛股"。当然,还有更"机灵"的投资者,竟早早地埋伏于"年 ... 股民提前潜伏年报红包公司 52只股具高送转潜力

欧债危机将法国拖下水 AAA评级名存实亡

欧债危机将法国拖下水 AAA评级名存实亡 希腊和意大利债务危机终于将法国等欧元区核心国拖下了水,法国10年期国债收益率创下欧元问世以来最高纪录,而不断上升的借贷成本令投资者质疑法国AAA评级已名存实亡。 15日,法国国债与德国国债之间的利差触及1999年 ... 欧债危机将法国拖下水 AAA评级名存实亡

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