
Monday, November 14, 2011


未按时足额缴纳社保将面临多项强制措施(图) 据新华社哈尔滨11月15日电(记者梁书斌)一犯罪团伙在个体出租面包车上持刀抢劫,并将一女乘客轮奸,罪行令人发指。案发后,警方先后抓获三名犯罪嫌疑人,但主犯潘春林一直在逃。近日,经过不懈努力,哈尔滨市公安局便衣支 ... 未按时足额缴纳社保将面临多项强制措施(图)


市政府:公共资源冠名权或公开招标拍卖挂牌 本报讯(记者李栋 通讯员 张其明)昨日,记者从广州市政府对政协提案的答复中获悉,今后,城市公共资源衍生的冠名权项目,包括具有地名意义的大型建筑、广场、桥梁等名称,具有地名意义的风景名胜区、游览区、文物古迹、纪念 ... 市政府:公共资源冠名权或公开招标拍卖挂牌

Occupy Wall Street: New York judge backs eviction

Occupy Wall Street: New York judge backs evictionOccupy Wall Street: New York judge backs eviction A New York court has ruled that a pre-dawn police raid on the Occupy Wall Street camp at Zuccotti Park was legal. The ruling means protesters will remain barred from setting up tents and sleeping in the park, although New York officials say protest ... Occupy Wall Street: New York judge backs eviction

Occupy NYC Protesters Moved Out

Occupy NYC Protesters Moved Out AP Photo/Craig Ruttle New York City police moved in on Occupy Wall Street protesters in Zuccotti Park early Tuesday morning, removing them from their tents so sanitation workers could clean the grounds. Police block streets and control the crowd as ... Occupy NYC Protesters Moved Out

Handbal feminin - Liga Campionilor: Oltchim, în grupă cu Buducnost Podgorica ...

Handbal feminin - Liga Campionilor: Oltchim, în grupă cu Buducnost Podgorica ... Oltchim Râmnicu Vâlcea, campioana României la handbal feminin, a fost repartizată în grupa a 2-a principală a Ligii Campionilor, alături de Buducnost Podgorica (Muntenegru), Krim Ljubljana (Slovenia) şi Metz Handball (Franţa), conform tragerii la sorţi ... Handbal feminin - Liga Campionilor: Oltchim, în grupă cu Buducnost Podgorica ...

Bulgarie: l'opposition conteste la validité du scrutin présidentiel d'octobre

Bulgarie: l'opposition conteste la validité du scrutin présidentiel d'octobre SOFIA (AFP) - Des députés de l'opposition bulgare ont attaqué en justice mardi la validité des résultats de l'élection présidentielle qui s'est tenue fin octobre, demandant qu'ils soient annulés en raison des nombreux défauts de procédure remarqués ... Bulgarie: l'opposition conteste la validité du scrutin présidentiel d'octobre

Afyon'da feci kaza

Afyon'da feci kaza Afyonkarahisar'da meydana gelen zincirleme trafik kazasında ilk belirlemelere göre 5 kişi hayatını kaybederken, 7'si ağır 54 kişide yaralandı. Afyonkarahisar- Konya Karayolunun 13. Kilometresinde meydana gelen kazada 27 TC 682 plakalı otobüs ile 06 VT ... Afyon'da feci kaza

Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón garantiza la financiación de las escuelas infantiles

Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón garantiza la financiación de las escuelas infantiles Alcorcón, 15 nov (EFE).- El Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón garantiza la financiación de las escuelas infantiles y casas de niños de la ciudad, tras suscribir un convenio con la Comunidad de Madrid en el que ambas administraciones se comprometen a destinar a ... Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón garantiza la financiación de las escuelas infantiles

Premiere in Los Angeles: Tausende Fans feiern die "Twilight"-Stars

Premiere in Los Angeles: Tausende Fans feiern die "Twilight"-Stars Schon Tage vor der Weltpremiere des vierten "Twilight"-Films "Breaking Dawn" hatten die Fans vor dem Nokia Live Theater in Los Angeles campiert. Am großen Tag schließlich bereiteten sie Vampir, Werwolf und Co. einen riesigen Empfang: Aufgrund des ... Premiere in Los Angeles: Tausende Fans feiern die "Twilight"-Stars

商业行业:社零增速平稳 行业增长稳定

商业行业:社零增速平稳 行业增长稳定 [世华财讯]社零增速平稳,CPI稳步回落:10月社零总额为16546亿元,同比增长17.2%,比9月下降0.5个百分点,东北证券认为随着年底消费旺季的到来,消费将保持这一稳定的增长趋势,实际消费增速将随CPI下降有所提升。 [世华 ... 商业行业:社零增速平稳 行业增长稳定

Australia PM pushes to end India uranium sales ban. Full Article

Australia PM pushes to end India uranium sales ban. Full Article Get the latest news on the go. Visit Reuters India on your mobile device. Full Coverage Daily life in the favelas of Brazil's second largest city. Slideshow Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard speaks at a news conference following the APEC Summit ... Australia PM pushes to end India uranium sales ban. Full Article

이하늘, 김창렬 명예훼손 피소… 前 멤버 "희화화 못참아"

이하늘, 김창렬 명예훼손 피소… 前 멤버 "희화화 못참아" [쿠키 연예] 그룹 'DJ DOC' 출신 박정환이 이하늘과 김창렬을 명예훼손 혐의로 고소했다. 한 매체는 박정환이 이하늘과 김창렬이 최근 방송을 통해 한 말을 '사실과 다른 인신공격성 발언'이라며 서울 영등포경찰서에 고소장을 접수했다고 15일 보도했다. ... 이하늘, 김창렬 명예훼손 피소… 前 멤버 "희화화 못참아"

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